Schedule your virtual consultation

The journey of a thousand miles begins here at CER Plastic Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico

Mommy Makeover

Get a Free Consultation

Our surgeon will evaluate your information to confirm that you are a candidate for a particular procedure. We later inform you about our doctor’s decision and give you a quote with all the information about your surgery.

Personal Info

Gender *

Weight *
Height *

Do you smoke?

Recreational drug use?

Medical sickle cell trait, anemia

History of thrombosis in your family?

Are you currently taking any medication?

Please add as many records as you need, include vitamins, herbal supplements, orver-the counter medication, etc

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It's important for us to know what surgeries you've had done in the past

Please add as many records as you need

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Special Diet (Vegan,Gluten-free)

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